OU 0,4 | −1,75 D

OU 0,4 | −1,75 D

OU 0,4 | −1,75 D

Health Monitoring

Health Monitoring

Health Monitoring

The glasses scan your face, voice, movements and even physiological indicators.

The glasses scan your face, voice, movements and even physiological indicators.

This information is then transferred to the cloud, where it is compared with millions of medical records and studies.

This information is then transferred to the cloud, where it is compared with millions of medical records and studies.

Vision correction

Vision correction

Vision correction

The built-in camera allows you to get detailed images of the retina, which helps diagnose and prevent eye diseases such as glaucoma, diabetic retinopathy and macular degeneration.

The built-in camera allows you to get detailed images of the retina, which helps diagnose and prevent eye diseases such as glaucoma, diabetic retinopathy and macular degeneration.

−1,75 D

−0,75 D

+0,75 D

sleek design

sleek design

sleek design

Heart rate and blood pressure monitoring:Built-in sensors measure pulse, blood pressure and blood oxygen saturation.

Heart rate and blood pressure monitoring:Built-in sensors measure pulse, blood pressure and blood oxygen saturation.

UV Protection

UV Protection

UV Protection

Smart glasses with UV protection are designed to filter harmful UVA and UVB rays. Glasses prevent eye damage, including cataracts, macular degeneration and even some types of eye cancer.

Smart glasses with UV protection are designed to filter harmful UVA and UVB rays. Glasses prevent eye damage, including cataracts, macular degeneration and even some types of eye cancer.

Smart glasses with UV protection are designed to filter harmful UVA and UVB rays. Glasses prevent eye damage, including cataracts, macular degeneration and even some types of eye cancer.










changing vision

changing vision

daily care

daily care

daily care

personal doctor

personal doctor

personal doctor

medical base analysis

medical base analysis

medical base analysis




daily diagnostics & changing vision

daily diagnostics & changing vision

daily diagnostics & changing vision

daily diagnostics & changing vision

daily diagnostics & changing vision

daily diagnostics & changing vision



of rare diseases were detected by data provided by glasses

of rare diseases were detected by data provided by glasses



of doctors confirmed the correctness of the suggested diagnosis

of doctors confirmed the correctness of the suggested diagnosis



of patients confirmed that the

proper vision correction of the glasses reduced the eye strain, headaches, and fatigue

of patients confirmed that the

proper vision correction of the glasses reduced the eye strain, headaches, and fatigue

We have conducted more than a thousand tests, as well as collected reviews from doctors and patients

We have conducted more than a thousand tests, as well as collected reviews from doctors and patients

Official statistics

“we then checked with tests and everything was confirmed...”

“we then checked with tests and everything was confirmed...”




“we then checked with tests and everything was confirmed...”

  • Hacking

    Modern smart glasses use multi-level protection, including data encryption, biometric authentication, as well as secure software platforms.

  • Safety

    They are designed taking into account all medical standards and are safe for human health. The lenses are made of high-quality materials that do not cause allergic reactions.

  • What information is collected by glasses? How is it stored and used? It is necessary to ensure transparency and control over this information.


  • Who has access to the data collected by the glasses? It is important to restrict access to personal data only for authorized persons.

    Data Access

  • Security

    You are protected in our smart glasses: they are able not only to predict difficult health changes, but also to provide the necessary emergency assistance in time.

  • Reliability

    We guarantee that the glasses will last you for a long time and will become an integral part of your life. If necessary, you can contact the service center for free.



It sounds fantastic, but the question arises: how secure are these smart glasses and how is our privacy protected?

It sounds fantastic, but the question arises: how secure are these smart glasses and how is our privacy protected?



© 2024 HealthyVisionEyewear, Inc.

safety precautions






symptoms combination

According to the results of the data check, the presence of a tumor is possible. You need to see an oncologist

dilated pupils

You may have forgotten to take your pills


The need for tests or other studies

daily diagnosys

of rare diseases were detected by data provided by glasses

symptoms combination

According to the results of the data check, the presence of a tumor is possible. You need to see an oncologist

dilated pupils

You may have forgotten to take your pills


The need for tests or other studies

daily diagnosys

of rare diseases were detected by data provided by glasses

symptoms combination

According to the results of the data check, the presence of a tumor is possible. You need to see an oncologist

dilated pupils

You may have forgotten to take your pills


The need for tests or other studies

daily diagnosys

of rare diseases were detected by data provided by glasses

UV protection

relieves eye strain

adjusting diopters

UV protection

relieves eye strain

adjusting diopters

changing vision

Automatic lens adjustment throughout the day, providing uninterrupted clarity

Automatic lens adjustment throughout the day, providing uninterrupted clarity

Warnings about changes in the state of vision and health

Help with farsightedness & myopia

Adjustment to any range & illumination

medical research

health monitoring

health monitoring

health monitoring

Smart glasses equipped with powerful machine learning algorithms are able to analyze a huge amount of data from the Internet to make a diagnosis.

Smart glasses equipped with powerful machine learning algorithms are able to analyze a huge amount of data from the Internet to make a diagnosis.

This page is part of an educational project by WANNABE students

This page is made by:

Polina Balashova

Ksenia Strokach

Natalia Gredina

In this project we challenge an idea that designers are to be replaced with AI and research whether this statement is true

Making this page took:

42 hours

120 prompts

You can get more info on this project in our Behance case or check out our previous projects on WANNABE website



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This page is part of educational project by WANNABE students

In this project we challenge the idea that designers are to be replaced with AI and research whether this state is real or not

You can get more info on this project in our Behance case or check out our previous projects on WANNABE website

This page is made by:

Polina Balashova

Ksenia Strokach

Natalia Gredina

Making this page took

42 hours

120 prompts



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This page is part of educational project by WANNABE students

In this project we challenge the idea that designers are to be replaced with AI and research whether this state is real or not

You can get more info on this project in our Behance case or check out our previous projects on WANNABE website

This page is made by:

Polina Balashova

Ksenia Strokach

Natalia Gredina

Making this page took

42 hours

120 prompts



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medical research

UV protection

relieves eye strain

adjusting diopters

changing vision

Automatic lens adjustment throughout the day, providing uninterrupted clarity

Warnings about changes in the state of vision and health

Help with farsightedness & myopia

Adjustment to any range & illumination

medical research